why a smart contact lens is ultimate wearable?



First of all i actually want to remind everyone the movie 'Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, then you may remember the scene where IMF agent William Brandt (played by Jeremy Renner) used a smart contact lens to take photos of nuclear codes.After watching that scene, I hope everyone though about why smart contact lenses did not exist yet. It turns out Samsung may be imitating the idea of a smart contact lens, following to a patent that recently surfaced.
Contact  lens is a amenable tiny lens which is used in the eye .people who don't want to use spectacles for their personal eye problems, they can easily use this contact lens.This lens contains power as well as it is used for changing the color  of eye. Samsung’s smart contact lens also has a camera, an antenna and sensors that  detects movements. The camera built into the Samsung smart contact lens would be controlled by blinking. And the Wi-Fi antenna in the smart contact lens enables the wearable device to communicate with an external device to process data such as a smart phone or a tablet.The blinking feature will work in a way that is similar to how google glass takes photos when the user wink.

Why smart contact lens is better then google glass?

Do you want to know about the Samsung patents smart contact lens?

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